Monday, April 16, 2012

Family Summer Outing @ Llanes Resort, Laguna

It's summer time again and our awaited summer outing has finally come. We have spent 2 days and 1 night at Llanes Resort, Pansol Laguna last April 14-15, 2012. Since March came, we have so many things to celebrate about such as Graduation days and Birthdays. Luckily, the day of our outing fell exactly on my birthday April 15, that is why it is very special for me and will surely be on my list of top memorable birthdays ever. :) 

Aside from our tarpaulin, I made a greeting page for everyone who has something to celebrate about. Including Kuya Jake's Birthday on March 28, 2012 (sorry, it's not on the picture). We started a small program with a prayer then opening remarks by my mother and brother. Then started lunch by blowing the candles from lots and lots of cupcakes.

While, waiting for the sun to go down, we have divided into 5 groups with 4 members each and adapted the name of the houses in Hogwarts (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Hogwarts) and used the point system as well. We played some games such as tattoo modeling, Scavenger hunt, Egg hunt, Karaoke, Jumping rope, 7-up and Pinoy Henyo. I have prepared most of the games we played and it is very nice to know that everyone is not only participating but also enjoying themselves.

The Search for Best Tattoo Model 2012

This is the compilation of the pictures in one of our games (The Search for Best Tattoo Model 2012). The tattoos are sponsored by my brother Ronald in the upper left. Everyone enjoyed picking the tattoo they want and started putting them already. And some got carried away and placed the entire pad on his chest. haha :p 

We started swimming as soon as the afternoon shade came, we played some more games such as dodge ball and volleyball in the pool, longest breath underwater and worm. We ate some snacks and swim some more until it's late at night.

I woke up at 8am the next day and everyone greeted me a Happy Birthday. It was indeed very happy thanks to all of my brothers and sisters who made it all happen. The sun was shining so bright, and the water in pool is so hot even the water from the shower and faucet, that is why we didn't swim much during noon. We tallied the scores from the games we played: Hufflepuff team is the 4th runner-up, Gryffindor is the 3rd runner up, Slytherin came in 2nd, Ravenclaw (our team) won the 1st runner-up and Hogwarts became our champion during our Familympic Games 2012. :) We even had an awarding ceremony, and handed out certificates for the team and individuals who won in the games.

Before leaving the resort, it wouldn't be complete if we (me with my nieces Macy and Denice) wouldn't have out ten shots picture taken as well as our family picture together. We soon left the place group by group and thankfully, everyone arrived in their homes safely. This day is surely a day that I would never forget. Hope to have a part 2 next year... :)

MDV Group picture

Our family's wacky shot :p

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